Posted: Sat 23rd Mar 2019

Brexit protest organiser happy with Deeside turnout last night.

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Saturday, Mar 23rd, 2019

Between twenty and thirty vehicles took part in ‘go-slow’ along the A494 in Deeside last night as angry protesters who feel let down by politicians over Brexit and the lack of progress in the UK leaving the European Union.

The A494 protest was aimed at causing maximum disruption along the road which, at the time was already congested with the usual Friday evening tailbacks.

The protest, one of around 30 to 40 planned for this weekend across the UK  comes after the Brexit date was postponed until at least April 12.

Police said they “able to facilitate” a peaceful protest last night in Deeside, patrol cars were out in force along the A494 and the A55.

Speaking moments before the protest group set off along the A494, Ian Charlesworth, who described himself as the ‘major’ spokesperson for the Brexit Protest and Direct Action Group said:

Tonight we are doing a go slow due to the inept politicians in the Houses of Parliament.

The reason being, they spent three years now making a mess of Brexit, they are not interested, they are only interested in themselves, feathering their own nest, and just don’t want to know about our democratic rights or the democratic decision which was made in 2016.”

Asked if he was expecting more lorry drivers to turn up, Mr Charlesworth who is from Queensferry, said:

“No, I mean the position is that tonight, looking at what we have already got it’s about what I was expecting for the first one tonight.

We are looking at 20 possibly 30 vehicles at the present time, again it’s a good turn out for a first event, these things tend to start small once people realise what we are able to do and what the message is, thats absolutely fine.”

Mr Charlesworth said prime minister Theresa May should have been in Deeside last night standing ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with protesters, he said.

“The who’ll point is, and I must stress, this is about our democratic rights and the way the government are riding roughshod over publics descsion to leave the EU.

Theresa May stated earlier this week that ‘I’m with the people, the politicians need to get it sorted out, right’

“Where is she tonight?” said Mr Charlesworth,  “if she’s with the people, she should be standing shoulder to shoulder with me now, with all these people who are here right,  saying ‘enough is enough’ i want out of the EU right, i’m with the people right.”

She’s not with the people, the rest of them aren’t with the people, they are not interested in us, to hell with our democratic rights, they are just feathering their own nest and looking after themselves.”

The Brexit Protest and Direct Action Group had planned blockade of Holyhead Port this evening, convoy was due to set off from Deeside for the port at 9pm,

A post on the groups Facebook page states: “We have decided to postpone the Holyhead event to allow time to digest and show how successful direct action can be and take the time to plan a far bigger event.”

Police said they one driver taking part in last nights A494 protest had been reported for driving offences, Chief Superintendent Nigel Harrison said:

“We were able to facilitate a peaceful protest last night in Deeside, one driver, however, was reported for driving offences.

We are aware of reports that the protest this evening has been called off by the organiser.

We continue to have contingency plans to seek to minimise disruption to the public which may result from protest during this period.”

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