Posted: Wed 11th Dec 2019

Airbus’ school orchard project branches out

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Wednesday, Dec 11th, 2019

School children have been busy planting fruit trees and getting close to nature as part of Airbus’ ongoing School Orchard Project.

Airbus has run the conservation programme with the North Wales Wildlife Trust since 2011 and more than 40 mini orchards have been planted at schools across Northeast Wales and Cheshire.

This year, Airbus visited six more local primary schools to plant orchards and teach about maintaining local habitats.

The NWWT’s Iwan Edwards, who runs the programme at the schools, said:

“This project continues to build on the fantastic work we’ve done with Airbus over the last nine years. We’re fast approaching working with 60 schools which is a wonderful legacy not only for the children in these schools but nature in general.”

Phil McGraa, Community Relations Manager at Airbus, said:

“Orchards are an important part of the Welsh landscape – not only do they provide tasty fruit which can be consumed but they offer a refuge for wildlife and create an environment that is rich in biodiversity.”

Laura Cartwight, a teacher at Ysgol Derwenfa, Leeswood, one of the schools visited this year, said:

“We’re trying to develop our outdoor area so it means a lot that the children have the chance to learn how to care for it correctly.

The other five schools visited by the Orchard Project team this year were Ysgol Derwen primary, Wood Memorial primary school, Ysgol Pen Barras, Ruthin, Drury Lane primary and Mountain Lane county primary.

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