Submit your story here ….

Welcome to our free online article submission page.
This form has been designed to make things straightforward for you to get your story on
It is simple to use and asks you to fill in as much detail as possible using six dedicated sections, Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.
The format works as a prompt for you to add as much detail as possible to your submission.
House Rules:
We have a few ‘house rules’ that apply to all submissions, by clicking ‘submit story‘ below you are agreeing to them.
- The aim is for you to submit a story to, this is not for advertising or PR.
- Stories must be unique and your own work, if you use other sources please reference them.
- Submissions may include web links, however they must be relevant and on topic and listed at the bottom of the article. We will check them out and add them in properly.
- Please ensure you have permission to upload pictures and that by uploading them you are able to let us use them in perpetuity for no charge.
- We reserve the right to refuse, edit or amend articles entirely at our discretion and no contact or correspondence is promised!
If you have images or video greater than 8MG please use We Transfer, its a free service which lets you send big files to an email recipient.
Our email address: [email protected]
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