Update: Trains are back to normal on the Wrexham to Bidston line.
However, there is a fault to the signalling system between Rhyl and Shotton trains and trains have to run at reduced speed on some lines.
Train services running through these stations may be delayed. Disruption is expected until 12:15 02/03.
Previous report: Disruption has been reported to services between Bidston, Shotton and Wrexham Central.
So far, 8:31 Bidston to Wrexham Central which was due to call at Shotton at 8:56 has been cancelled.
Transport for Wales (TfW) says “this is due to a fault on this train.”
The TfW website states:
Road transport is being sourced
1 x coach 07:30 Wrexham Ctl all stations to Bidston &
1 x coach 08:32 Bidston all stations to Wrexham Ctl with Pats Coaches being the preferred operator.
Further Information
Trafnidiaeth Cymru/Transport for Wales
If you have experienced a delay or cancellation, please contact our customer relations team or pick up a form from your nearest ticket office. You can email us using: [email protected]