The journey to carbon neutral – Public asked to have their say and help Flintshire Council develop its Climate Strategy
The public is being asked for comments and feedback to help develop Flintshire Council’s Climate Strategy and operational plan.
The eyes of the world will look to Glasglow for the annual COP26 climate change summit which gets underway on Sunday.
The United Nations global summit will see world leaders come together for 12 days to discuss next steps in the efforts to address the threat of climate change.
Under the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), every country on Earth is treaty-bound to “avoid dangerous climate change”, and find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally.
In 2019, the Welsh Government declared a Climate Emergency in Wales, setting ambitious plans for the public sector to be carbon neutral by 2030.
Flintshire Council said: “Climate change is such an important topic which affects every one of us, and there is no better time than now – when the world’s leaders are coming together – for the Council to share what we have been doing, and what we plan to do, here in Flintshire to help combat the climate crisis.”
“The way we operate council owned buildings, transport and land; the ways we deliver our services across the county, and the way that we buy and procure goods and services all contribute to our carbon footprint .”
Council-owned buildings produce a quantity of carbon emissions due to the use of energy that burns fossil fuels.
Emissions from Council operated fleet remain a consistent source of carbon emissions.
The Council can utilise its land to support its carbon aims through investment in renewable energy, and planting schemes to support carbon absorption and improvement and maintenance of our biodiversity.
Flintshire’s Chief Officer for Planning, Environment and Economy, Andrew Farrow, said:
“The Council has been working on decarbonisation since 2009 and to date has reduced its carbon emissions from energy sources by approximately 60% and is now committed in its aim to become net zero carbon by 2030.
“In December 2019, the Cabinet approved a motion to develop a clear Climate Change strategy which will set an operational plan for creating a net zero carbon organisation and we are now asking for your views on this strategy.”
Following Welsh Government guidelines, this new strategy will focus on four main themes:
• Buildings
• Land Use
• Mobility and transportation
• Procurement
With the integrated theme of ‘Behaviour’.
“To help develop this strategy we are offering people the opportunity to have their say.”
More information about the themes can be found at along with an online form for comments and feedback.
The closing date is Friday 19 November 2021.
The Council is also working with schools and asking primary and secondary school pupils to write a letter to their future selves – outlining ‘what we all need to do to play our part and what they think the world around them will look like 50 years from now.”
“We will use some of these letters to highlight areas of our strategy.”
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