Red distress flares in Wirral spark Flint Coastguard response

Volunteers from Flint Coastguard responded to a number of incidents on Saturday including reports of red distress flares being set off over in the Wirral and Liverpool as fans celebrate their football teams Champions League win.
The first incident – on what turned out to be one of the busiest days of the year so far for Flint team members – came just before 3pm.
A coastguard rescue officer driving over the Flintshire Bridge spotted something in the corner of his eye.
On further investigation, two people were spotted walking on the rock armour (material used to armour shorelines) and in danger of becoming stuck in mud.
The coastguard officer managed to get their attention and guide them safely ashore.
The Flint-based team stood down before departing station.
The coastguard officer who helped the two people earlier then found a carrier bag containing two ‘time expired pyrotechnics’ discarded outside the rear door of Flint Coastguard Station
The coastguard team later transported them for storage in a secure location.
“Please note it is a criminal offence to leave or discard flares/pyrotechnics at our Station. To arrange safe disposal please telephone 01407 762051.” A spokesperson said.
The Flint team were then tasked by UK Coastguard along with Wirral Coastguard rescue team to reports of two people stranded on a rock armour at Leasowe Island in the Wirral.
A spokesman said: “On arrival, contact was made with the two people who were uninjured but completely surrounded by water on the island due to the incoming tide and unable to get back to the promenade safely.”
Hoylake RNLI Hovercraft was deployed to enable the two people to be rescued from the island.
Coastguard rescue officers stood by in water rescue gear in case the people fell or made an attempt to enter the water.
“The Hovercraft arrived on scene and recovered the two people from the island and returned them to the promenade where our team were able to offer some safety advice.” The Flint Coastguard spokesman said.
As the team from Flint were leaving the previous incident they were called to reports of a red marine flare sighted in the New Brighton area.
On arrival, a search was carried out from Marine Point through to Egremont.
Coastguard officers spoke to members of the public who had also sighted the flares, further flares were witnessed being set off from the Liverpool area – many during celebrations of Liverpool Football Clubs Champions League win earlier in the evening.
“During the search, there was no sightings or reports any anyone or any vessel in distress or needing assistance and both teams were able to stand down.
Red marine flares, when used properly, are to signal distress at sea or on the coast and should not be used as fireworks.” The Flint Coastguard spokesman said.