Police issue details about motorbike thieves operating within Deeside Industrial Estate

Police have issued details about motorbike thieves operating within Deeside Industrial Estate.
There have been several reports of motorbike thefts in and around the industrial estate over the past few months with the latest attempt on Tuesday.
Thieves tried to steal a motorcycle from Iceland Foods HQ at 5.20pm yesterday.
The offenders are believed to be the same as those who struck on previous occasions when vehicles were stolen, police have said.
They were on a bike bearing the registration W416NAL.
“This registration was reported stolen a few nights ago from Neston and comes back to a Land Rover.”
“The main driver usually has a bright green/yellow helmet.”
“Please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity via the North Wales Police control room on 999 if emergency or 101 if non-emergency.” PC Noble added.
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