Posted: Thu 8th Feb 2024

Police impose 48-hour dispersal order in Chester to curb anti-social behaviour

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, Feb 8th, 2024

Police in Chester have issued a dispersal order following reports of a group causing anti-social behaviour in the city centre.

Cheshire Police said officers will be using dispersal orders banning anyone from the city for up to 48 hours to prevent crime and disorder.

The dispersal order has been imposed under Section 34 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, making it an offence for anyone to return to a specific area for up to 48 hours.

The highlighted mapped area will be provided to anyone issued with a direction to leave. If you are ordered to leave the dispersal order area and come back, you are likely to be arrested.

The powers are in place from 10am today to 10am Saturday 10 February.

Inspector James Wilson said: “As a result of a small minority of people causing anti-social behaviour and street drinking, we have had to impose a dispersal order in the city.

“Anti-social behaviour can have a devastating impact on our communities and residents have every right to feel safe in their neighbourhoods. We will not tolerate this type of behaviour and my officers will be taking robust action against anyone causing issues in the city centre.

“I would urge anyone who witnesses or who has been a victim of anti-social behaviour to report this to us by calling 101 or reporting it via our website so that we can investigate further.”

Anyone with information on ASB in their area can report it to Cheshire Police via

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