Posted: Fri 24th May 2024

Police arrest two youths on suspicion of drug offences in Flint

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales

Two teenagers have been arrested in Flint on suspicion of drug offences, following increased police patrols in response to recent anti-social behaviour in the town.

The arrests occurred after North Flintshire Police stopped a suspect vehicle on Thursday.

A 16-year-old and a 17-year-old were searched along with the vehicle, resulting in their arrest on suspicion of possession with intent to supply.

Both have been released under investigation as enquiries continue.

The heightened police presence in Flint comes after a disorderly incident on Tuesday evening when up to 20 youths were reported fighting in the town centre.

The disturbance on Church Street around 7pm prompted the patrol Inspector to authorise an immediate dispersal order for the area.

Responding to the current wave of anti social behaviour issues, Flintshire North district Inspector Wesley Williams stated, “I understand this ongoing and repeated anti-social behaviour is causing members of the community some fear and concern.”

“Residents will be seeing an increase in visible police patrols in the town centre and surrounding areas of Flint over the coming weeks for reassurance purposes and to ensure this anti-social behaviour does not continue.”

The increased patrols are part of ‘Operation Restore,’ an initiative funded by the Home Office to tackle anti-social behaviour hotspots across the region.

North Wales Police have recently been allocated a £1 million grant specifically aimed at eradicating anti-social behaviour and serious violence in problem areas.


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