Posted: Mon 2nd Sep 2019

Path closures in place around Wepre Park’s Rosie Pond as improvement work gets underway

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Monday, Sep 2nd, 2019

Wepre Park’s Rosie Pond will be closed until September 14 while work on replacing the pegs – wooden platforms which line the pond where fishing takes place – takes place.

Pathways around the pond have been closed to the public while the work is carries out, only ‘authorised people will be allowed beyond barriers.


Spokesperson for Connah’s Quay and District Angling Club said:

It is the “beginning of the next era at the Rosie and the future for the next 20 years as the old pegs get removed and replaced, this is a big moment and achievement for the lads on the team who have worked tirelessly to bring the Rosie back to it’s current state following the management plan.”

[A new peg installed at the Rosie]

“Dedicated unseen work goes on by committee members every day filling out and submitting funding applications to make things like the peg replacement possible.

The new pegs are just the start of the clubs plan to improve the existing infrastructure of the Rosie, we hope to have new pathways around the pool and hopefully fencing and an aeration system, but for now they are still the goals to be achieved the new pegs is the first achievement ticked off.

Here’s to the future of the Rosie and the club and thank you to everyone who helps and supports the club.”

The path closures will affect Parkrun on Saturday morning, Run Director Nicola Kay said:

“We have a diversion in place in order to avoid the path closures.

We have extra marshals and cones in place, however the path is very narrow in parts and is a two-way system, so we ask that runners with dogs and children take extra care.

There is more info on our Facebook page or you can email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.”

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