Flags fly at half mast in Flintshire, North Wales and the rest of the UK

Flags are flying at half mast in Flintshire, north Wales and around the rest of the UK today as a mark of respect for those who died in Wednesday’s terror attack in London.
Four people died and dozens were injured when a lone attacker struck yesterday afternoon.
Colin Everett CEO of Flintshire County Council posted a message on twitter saying;
Flintshire to fly flags at half mast tomorrow out of respect for those lost in today’s tragedy in Westminster.
Deputy Chief Constable of North Wales Police Gareth Pritchard also posted a message on twitter:
The North Wales Police flag flies at half-mast to pay respect to Police Constable Keith Palmer and the other victims of yesterday’s attack.

North Wales Police HQ
Flags have been lowered at the Welsh Government Crown Buildings in Cardiff, like many they observed a minute silence at 9.33am to remember those who lost their lives.
Flags at half mast at the Senedd showing Welsh solidarity with #westminster #TerroristAttack #cardiff pic.twitter.com/1s6AwmU3ER
— Andrew Mabey (@DrewMabey) 23 March 2017
One local resident from Garden City dropped off chocolates off at Deeside Police Station as a token of appreciation for the work the police do.
Four people died yesterday when a lone attacker, armed with knives, mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge.
He then crashed his car into the perimeter fencing of the Houses of Parliament, stabbing 48 year old Metropolitan Police officer Keith Palmer who died at the scene, the attacker was shot dead by armed officers.
Along with PC Keith Palmer, Aysha Frade and a man in his 50s also died in the attack.
Seven of the 29 people treated in hospital following seven are still in hospital in a critical condition
People carried out raids in London, Birmingham and elsewhere linked to the Westminster terror attack, seven people have been arrested.
Mark Rowley, the Met’s senior anti-terror officer, said six addresses were raided overnight.
Mr Rowley said
“Hundreds of detectives have been working through the night and during that time officers have searched six addresses and made seven arrests.
“The inquiries in Birmingham, London and other parts of the country are continuing.”
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