Posted: Thu 31st Mar 2022

Energy supplier websites crash as consumers rush to input meter readings

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, Mar 31st, 2022

A number of energy firm websites have been struggling this morning as people rush to input meter readings.

The new price cap comes into effect tomorrow and it has widely been reported that today is the final day for consumers to submit meter readings to suppliers in order not to be charged over the odds.

Consumers have reported Scottish Power, British Gas, E.ON, EDF and Shell Energy are reported to have been struggling

The energy price cap will rise on Friday by an average of 54%, increasing a typical bill to £1,971/year – up £700/year.

In a series of tweets, founder of Martin Lewis said: “I’m getting many many reports of people struggling to submit meter readings.”

“The volume isn’t unexpected. Firms really should’ve been better prepared. It’s not good enough ofgem please can you look into this.”

He said: “To reiterate again you DON’T need to give a meter reading today if you’re on a fixed deal, or are in Northern Ireland, or anyone else who’s tariff is not on the price cap.”

“And again if on smart/prepay just take pic of your meter, no need to submit.”

He added: “If you can’t get to do a meter reading today, do it tomorrow, or Sunday, or monday.”

“The nearer to today you do it the less chance of mis-estimates, so don’t panic about missing it (either through your own or the firm’s issue) just get it in as soon as you can.”


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