Posted: Fri 10th Dec 2021

Connah’s Quay: Police arrest man found carrying knife in public

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Friday, Dec 10th, 2021

Police have arrested a man found carrying a knife in public.

Officers arrested a male in Connah’s Quay earlier this morning, Friday, December 10.

He has been arrested for “possession of a knife in public and Section 4 offences – Causing Fear or Provocation of Violence.”

Inspector Stephen Roberts said: “Carrying knives and offensive weapons will not be tolerated.

“My message is that if we find you with a knife in public, you will be arrested and I will push for the strongest possible sanction or sentence.

“Knife crime ruins lives, please don’t be tempted to carry one.”

If you have concerns around knife crime contact North Wales Police on 101, or dial 999 in an emergency.

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