Google for Education tour stops off at Coleg Cambria

Google’s ‘Fuel for the Future’ tour stopped off at Coleg Cambria, one of only ten locations throughout to UK to host the event.
The Google Education tour has been stopping off at those schools and colleges who use ‘Google for Education’ technology in innovative ways and have seen first-hand the positive impact the cutting cloud based technology is having in their classrooms.
Participants had the opportunity to get hands on with Google for Education apps during the interactive session and enjoyed several topics including creating 21st-century learning.
During their visit they shared their successes in transforming teaching and learning and how technology can help address some of the challenges schools are facing today.
Karen Coyle from Cambria’s Technology & Library Services team said:
“Innovation and creativity are two words heard frequently at Coleg Cambria. So we were delighted to be asked to host the last of Google’s ‘Fuel for the Future’ events.
“Learners at Coleg Cambria have access to secure creative technology, which enables students to explore innovative solutions in collaboration with their peers. Digital literacy skills are necessary for today’s workforce”
Jeminatu Alabi-isama, UK Regional Manager for Google for Education said:
“Over the last couple of months we’ve travelled the country visiting schools and colleges to share the impact Google for Education tools are having in today’s classrooms.
“Coleg Cambria is the last stop of our UK tour and we finish feeling inspired and excited for the future of education. We’re delighted to see the progress the team at Coleg Cambria are making with technology and to see the energy and excitement for teaching and learning in new, innovative ways.”
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