Wales to hit vaccine target for all over-50s by Sunday – but some people are sceptical

First minister Mark Drakeford has said Wales will hit its target of offering all over-50s a first dose of the Coronavirus vaccine by this Sunday.
Welsh Government target is to of offered the first dose of the vaccine to everyone in Priority Groups 1-9 by April 19.
But some people are sceptical about the claim.
During a press conference today, Mr Drakeford said: “By Sunday, we will have offered a vaccine to everyone in the first nine priority groups, that’s everyone over 50 or adults with an underlying health condition, and a great many unpaid carers.”
He also said that by “Sunday a minimum of 75 per cent of those in each priority group will have received a first vaccination.”
“And that is I think a major milestone for us to have reached first of all, here in Wales.”
Mr Drakeford said it was a, “truly remarkable effort and is down to the hard work of thousands of people who are working tirelessly on the NHS front line across Wales to make this happen. I want to thank each and every one of them.”
Having Tweeted the first ministers comments about the vaccine milestone during the press conference, several people replied to us querying the claim.
@thrift_deb said: “I’m 57 and in North Wales, heard nothing. @BetsiCadwaladr (health board) are quoting 19th April for invitations being issued so which is correct Conflicting information really isn’t helpful or reassuring.”
@PLDOLMAN Tweeted: “Somebody is telling lies or not interpreting the health boards data correctly. Betsi Cadwaladr are very clear with their update and it is very much at odds with the first ministers update. Surely on such a serious topic accuracy and consistency are a basic requirement.”
@kazemendoza Tweeted: “I’m 58 and heard nothing either, my Doctors just say I’m on the list!”
Demonstrating how the situation can change quickly, @kazemendoza sent another Tweet shortly after saying, “Just managed to book my vaccine for next Thursday 8th – I’m in group 8! Shotton Lane surgery only started over 55’s last week not on to over 50’s yet.
Dr Chris Stockport, Executive Director of Primary and Community Care, said: “The vast majority of vaccination appointments for the remainder of people in Priority Groups 5-9 not yet vaccinated have now been booked and invitation letters have been sent in the post this week.”
“These letters should arrive over the coming days, taking into account bank holiday postal arrangements.”
“Priority Groups 5-9 includes people aged 50 and over and those aged 16-70 in an at risk group.”
“Please be patient and don’t contact your GP or our COVID-19 Vaccination Contact Centre unless you need to cancel or amend an existing appointment. “
“We are determined to not leave anybody behind, so if you’ve not been able to take up an appointment for whatever reason, we’ll contact you to offer you another appointment in the coming weeks.”
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