Video: Here’s where you will need to put your new garden waste bin sticker

A video has been produced showing residents who have subscribed to garden waste collections in Flintshire how to attach the new stickers to brown bins.
This year, the council will be issuing a new sticker, which contains an RFID (radio frequency identification) tag, to all households who subscribe for the collection service.
The electronic stickers work in a similar way to shop security tags or stickers and are to be attached to the brown bin and registered to each property.
The electronic sticker is intended to be automatically scanned by a chip reader on the bin lift at the back of the bin wagon to confirm that a subscription is in place and make it easier for the crews to identify that the bin is eligible for collection.
The chip reader is similar to a supermarket scanner or barcode reader and the only data that will be recorded is that the bin has been collected.
The video has been produced to help residents identify where to place the sticker on the front of their bin.
The council reminding residents to renew their subscriptions for the Council’s garden waste collection service, which starts again from 1 March 2022 and runs until 10 December 2022.
Householders can sign up to the scheme at any time during the year, “but we are encouraging people to subscribe early to ensure that they benefit from the full collection service for the season, as well as the preferential subscription rate available before 28 February 2022.” A council spokesperson has said.
“Subscriptions before this date, or online throughout the season, are £32 per bin. After 1 March 2022, the standard rate will be £35 if not paying online.”
“New customers can sign up to the service at any point by visiting the website or by calling us on 01352 701234; however, the charges will remain the same.” The spokesperson added.
To subscribe online, visit our website.
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