Queensferry barber shop owner and her dog Lilly set to feature on BBC TV show tonight

The owner of a Queensferry barbers shop is set to feature in an episode of BBC Wales series Give a Dog a Home tonight.
United by their mutual love of dogs heavy metal singer Benji Webbe from Newport band Skindred and journalist and TV presenter Fran Donovan play matchmaker for a menagerie of abandoned animals across Wales.
Every year, some 10,000 stray and unwanted dogs are taken in by rescue centres and the pair are on the prowl to partner some of these pooches with their perfect families.
Each episode sees Fran and Benji visit local animal shelters to each family to find a shortlist of four furry friends that they think will fit the family’s needs.
The family then make the decision about which one they will re-home. Tonight’s programme (Friday December 14) features the boss of the Barber Station in Queensferry, Debbie Turley and her 3-year-old Jack Russell Lilly.
Debbie Turley – Barber Station / Facebook
Last year hero their family dog, Funki, died of cancer and since then, Lilly has been heartbroken so Benji and Fran help her to find a new dog from a local animal shelter.
The episode sees them visit North Clwd Animal Rescue and the Abandoned Animals Association near Prestatyn.
Debbie and Lilly chose Henry, a 9-month old Yorkshire Terrier.
Debbie said; “It was a great experience being in the show. The whole team were brilliant, from the producers to the presenters.
The rescue centres do an amazing job and it’s so sad to see so many animals needing a home.
“I already have a dog, Lilly, who comes to work with me in my barbers every day. I wanted to find her a new friend as she had struggled getting over the death of my other dog, Funki a year and a half ago.
“I really appreciated the help in finding Henry, our new Rescue dog found by the BBC series, he’s settled in really well. After a few weeks of uncertainty, Lilly and Henry are best friends and the customers love him.
“He’s grown from a shy, timid dog that hid in his cage, to a confident, loving and funny dog.”
Nicky Owen, Media Relations & Funding Manager at North Clwyd Animal Rescue added;
“It was a wonderful experience to be a part of the series and we hope that a positive message will be sent out to the viewers about adopting a pet from a charity like ours.
“We wanted to show how amazing rescue animals are and encourage anyone looking for a new pet to visit their local rescue, before getting a pet from a breeder or online.
You will be surprised what type of pets we get into our care and how amazing rescue pets are and that you will receive continued support for you and your new adopted pet from our charity.”
Give a Dog a Home ison BBC One Wales at 7.30pm Friday 14 December.
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