Plans to build more than 100 new homes in a Flintshire take step forward

Plans to build more than 100 new homes in a Flintshire are edging forward.
Stewart Milne Homes has asked Flintshire planners for a screening opinion, a preliminary step in understanding the environmental impact on land in Higher Kinnerton, before it submits a formal planning application.
The Scottish based builder announced its intentions earlier this year to develop two pieces of land either side Sandy Lane in Higher Kinnerton, which is close to the English border.
The proposed development will provide a mix of house types and designs and will include mews properties, together with 3, 4 and 5 bedroomed detached dwellings.
Should plans be approved, thirty per cent of the homes will be ‘affordable housing’ the developer has said.
Documents submitted on behalf of Stewart Milne Homes to Flintshire County Council outline the “potential impacts of the proposed development upon the environment.”
The Screening Opinion document shows that a habitat survey has been undertaken on the farm land which is presently used for grazing purposes.
The proposed development site contains two existing ponds and habitat suitable for amphibians including great crested newt and common toad.
A survey found a “small population” of Great Crested Newts in one of the ponds, along with small populations of smooth and palmate newts and common frog.
Great Crested Newts, their eggs and habitat are fully protected under UK and EU law and Local Authorities are required to assess whether any Great Crested Newts will be affected by development proposals.
Current protection laws make it illegal to intentionally or deliberately kill, injure or capture newts, deliberately disturb newt breeding sites, damage, destroy or obstruct access to newt breeding site or resting place.
The document states “a mitigation scheme has been developed, which minimises direct threats to newts and compensates for loss of habitat.”
The proposals include the creation of Great Crested Newt habitat on a dismantled railway line which close to the development.
Further reptile surveys have been carried out at the site said Caulmert Limited – who submitted the screening opinion document on behalf of Stewart Milne Homes.
“No reptiles or evidence of reptiles were recorded during the surveys. However, grass snake has historically been recorded in the local area and the proposed environmental mitigation and enhancement works will provide good quality habitat for grass snakes.”
The wider survey area contains habitats that are considered ideal for bat species including roosting and foraging habitats.
The documents says, “it is highly likely… that bats are present within the survey area and features such as hedgerows, will be retained to maintain connectivity between the site and into the
wider survey area.”
“Loss of foraging and commuting habitat will be kept to a minimum and retained habitats enhanced, along with creation of new high-quality semi-natural habitats in the south eastern
parts of the site.’
The document goes onto say, “with regard to protected species, the successful implementation of proposed environmental mitigation and enhancement works will ensure that the favourable conservation status of the protected species is enhanced.”
The screening opinion will receive feedback from Flintshire County Council planners early in the new year.
Community leaders voice concerns over plans for more than 100 new homes in Higher Kinnerton
Consultation launched over plans for more than 100 new homes in Higher Kinnerton
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