Plans for £16m care home on site of Flint’s former cottage hospital set for approval

Proposals to construct a £16m care home at the site of Flint’s former Cottage Hospital are expected to be given the go-ahead by Flintshire Council’s planning committee next week.
The new facility will replace the Croes Atti care home on Prince of Wales Avenue in the town and will be a joint venture with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
The project aims to increase the number of available beds by 25 and provide therapeutic support, a hairdressing salon, and a sensory room for long-term residents and those discharged from the hospital.
According to a design and access statement submitted on behalf of the council and construction firm Willmott Dixon by Lovelock Mitchell Architects, the new care home will have 56 bedrooms, each with an en suite bathroom.
The statement also outlines that there will be a large assisted bathroom on each floor, a visitors’ lounge on each floor, and a day care centre.
In addition, the car park will have 42 spaces, with five accessible and four offering electric charging points.
One of the key features of the planned landscaping for the facility is the creation of a memorial garden in memory of the former cottage hospital.
The garden will be located within a central island, just north of the main entrance, and will be bounded by ornamental planting.
During a Flintshire Council cabinet meeting at the end of last year, the authority’s chief officer for social services, Neil Ayling, said the total cost of the project is around £16m.
A £10m Welsh Government grant is being applied for, which would leave Flintshire Council only required to spend £6m of its own money.
The application has been recommended for approval by the authority’s planning officers.
A report to be considered by the committee states: “The application seeks planning permission for the redevelopment of the former Cottage Hospital site in Flint to provide a new care home comprising 56 bedrooms, complete with new road access and parking, green space, and landscaping.
“Careful use of design both of the building and external areas results in a high-quality scheme which is beneficial for the residents of Flint and the surrounding area.”
“There will be no negative impact on neighbouring amenity or highway safety.”
“There have been no concerns raised by local residents and all other material planning matters have been considered and are deemed acceptable.”
“The application is compliant with both local and national planning policy.”
“Members are requested to support the recommendation and grant planning permission subject to the imposition of conditions.”
Flintshire Council’s planning committee will make a decision on the application when it meets next Wednesday, April 26.
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