Posted: Fri 25th Aug 2023

Flintshire Trading Standards Alert: Rise in bogus repair calls claiming to be from the council

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Friday, Aug 25th, 2023

Local residents are being put on alert after a rise in bogus telephone calls, according to a warning issued by Flintshire Trading Standards Department.

Residents of the region have been contacted by individuals claiming there are outstanding repairs required at their properties.

These calls, which purport to be from Flintshire County Council’s Housing Repairs Department, are identified as scams.

The caller may also mention that the resident is entitled to compensation for outstanding repair works.

During these deceptive calls, the unsuspecting resident is often asked for access to their property, putting their safety and security at risk

Residents are being urged to remain vigilant and never to share personal or property information over the phone, especially if the call wasn’t expected.

The local authority is pushing for increased awareness, encouraging residents to double-check with official channels.

If residents receive such a call and are unsure of its legitimacy, they’re advised to immediately contact Flintshire Housing Repairs Team or Flintshire County Council Customer Services at 01352 703020.

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