Flintshire Council ‘actively working’ to address ‘issue’ of children placed in unregistered care settings

Twelve Welsh councils are “engaging in unlawful practice” according to the Welsh Conservatives who cite research which found that at least 20 looked-after children have been placed in unregistered care settings across Wales.
At least 16 under-16s are also being placed in unregulated care settings something that has been outlawed in England but remains permissible in Wales.
According to data obtained through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, Flintshire has had four under-16 year olds placed in unregistered care settings.
Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Social Services, Gareth Davies MS said: “It is extremely concerning to see so many councils breaking the law when it comes to children in unregistered and unregulated care settings. The UK Conservative Government don’t allow the latter practice in England, yet in Wales there are many children potentially at risk.
“In the light of recent, poignant tragedies such as the deaths of Logan Mwangi and Kaylea Titford, we need to make sure that we get this right, work with these councils and have children’s safety at the forefront of our minds.
“The Labour Government in Wales needs to step in to urgently chase up these individual cases and ensure regulations are enforced and on par with the UK. There does not need to be any divergence.”
We asked Flintshire County Council for comment on why unregistered care settings were used in Flintshire, and if they agreed with the Welsh Conservatives that it places children ‘potentially at risk’ ?
The council issued a statement that said, “All Wales Social Services Departments seek to support children in registered placements in each instance where this is possible.
“Where an unregistered placement is necessary we work hard to ensure that each placement provides good quality care while we seek to secure a registered placement if that is needed.
“ADSS Cymru, along with All Wales Heads of Children’s Services are actively working with Welsh Government and other key stakeholders to address this issue, and keep children who are looked after in Wales, safe from harm.”
The All Wales Heads of Children’s Services group consists of heads of children’s services from all local authorities and meets on a quarterly basis (including an annual conference).
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