Flintshire and Wrexham operation cracks down on anti-social behaviour

An operation has taken place to crack down on anti-social behaviour in eastern areas of the force.
Neighbourhood Policing Teams and PCSOs from Wrexham City, Wrexham Rural, Flintshire North and Flintshire South came together on set impact days in each area to carry out dedicated high visibility and plain clothes patrols, targeting hotspots in each district.
Anti-social behaviour covers a wide range of issues including continuous noise or parties, vandalism, littering, misuse of communal areas or public spaces and alcohol-related disturbances.
It is a visible form of disruption and when it is persistent, it can have a significant impact on people’s lives.
Officers were also out engaging with the community as part of the operation which took place during the first and second week of May, to better understand local concerns.
Results included:
- One man charged and remanded and sentenced to 28 days in custody for theft and public order offences.
- Number of people stopped for possession of drugs
- Off-road bike seized
- Engagement supporting Focus Wales
- No reports of anti-social behaviour in Wrexham Rural during the operation’s impact day
Initially launched in the Wrexham Rural area by Inspector Matt Subacchi, Operation Lampoon has now been extended to cover all districts.
Inspector Subacchi said: “Tackling anti-social behaviour and understanding concerns locally is a priority, which is why we are working hard every day to address these issues.
“This operation saw officers from across eastern areas working together to proactively improve anti-social behaviour – and other demands – by increasing visibility around hotspots across all our areas.
“Officers were also out to challenge any behaviour that is having a detrimental effect in the community and to engage with residents to help tackle any local issues.
“The operation has never been done across all districts before and I hope it encourages communities to take a stand against anti-social behaviour in their area and continue to report any incidents they experience, whether to their local Council officers, or to officers.”
Following recent anti-social behaviour issues in Wrexham city centre, officers will also be increasing their presence at Wrexham Bus Station to offer reassurance to visitors to the area.
A pop-up police station will be housed within the bus station for a couple of hours at a time each week, starting from 12.30pm on Wednesday, May 17th.
Wrexham city Inspector Luke Hughes said: “We are taking anti-social behaviour seriously and it won’t be tolerated in our city.
“I’m determined that the behaviour of the minority should not distract from the positivity in Wrexham at the moment, and those who cause these issues will continue to be dealt with robustly.”
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