Posted: Fri 17th Jan 2025

Enterprise Rent-a-Car eyes potential new site in Chester.

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales

Enterprise Rent-a-Car is eyeing a potential new site in Chester.

The global lease company has submitted a planning application to convert the former Vehicles For Leisure site on Dunkirk Way, which is said would create new jobs and provide business for suppliers and other local partners.

If approved, it would see demolition of the existing canopy at the former motorhome and caravan dealership, extension of an existing building and construction of a vehicle wash bay.


The application said it would provide six full time jobs, with the possibility of more to follow.

Enterprise operates in more than 9,500 locations across nearly 100 countries and is one of the largest transportation  providers in the world.

A supporting letter submitted on behalf of Enterprise, said: “The proposed development will support the sustainable expansion of Enterprise’s business and provide a sustainable transport solution for residents and workers as an alternative to private car ownership.”

The application added that the proposed development would utilise the two existing access points direct from Dunkirk Way, along  existing parking and vehicle storage areas.

The application added: “The submitted proposals demonstrate that the site will have around 37 spaces as well as dedicated ‘pick-up’ and ‘drop-off’ lanes.

“However, it should be noted that for any Enterprise rental vehicle premises to operate effectively, Enterprise would expect that around 90 per cent of its rental vehicles available from its site will be in use, and away from the site, at any one time.”

The letter added that in addition to jobs created, there would be additional benefits for local businesses.

It added: “Enterprise’s proposals represent significant investment by the company at this vacant brownfield site. Further investment in the local area will be delivered through suppliers and service partners, and by Enterprise’s employees and customers for example, throughout Enterprise’s occupation and operational lifespan.”

The plans can be viewed on the council’s planning portal under the following reference number: 24/03820/FUL

By Mark Smith – Local Democracy Reporter

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