Delays on M56 heading towards North Wales and Chester following a collision

Latest Update: All lanes are back open but there is congestion in the area.
Latest traffic report states: “Queueing traffic due to accident, now on the shoulder on M56 Westbound from J12 A557 (Runcorn) to J14 A5117 (Hapsford).
Congestion to J11 (Preston Brook). Also traffic is slowing on the opposite side of the M56 to look at the accident.
All traffic was being held between 16:10 and 16:20. Lane three (of three) was closed to allow the Highways get to the scene and assist.
All lanes re-opened at around 16:20. All lanes have been re-opened.”
Earlier report: There are delays on M56 heading towards North Wales and Chester following a collision.
Traffic reports state all lanes stopped and stationary traffic due to accident on M56 Westbound from J12 A557 (Runcorn) to J14 A5117 (Hapsford).
Congestion to J11 (Preston Brook).
Also traffic is slowing on the opposite side of the M56 to look at the accident.
Camera shows all traffic is being held as of 4.10pm
Lane three (of three) was closed to allow the Highways get to the scene and assist.
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