Age Cymru recruit two new “ScamBusters” to protect people with dementia from scams.

The Scams Awareness and Dementia Project has appointed two new members of staff to help safeguard our elderly citizens.
Dawn Evans is its new north Wales project officer and works out of the Age Cymru’s offices in Mold
Previously a personal consultant for Working Links and a support worker with the KIM Project, Dawn’s most recent role was as a development worker with Flying Start Wales.
Dawn is joined by Ros Williams the South Wales project officer who will work from Age Cymru’s Cardiff headquarters.
The national programme funded by Comic Relief has been set up to support older people who have been easy targets for scammers in the past,
Many older people are targeted by scammers as they are more likely to have easily accessible belongings and are often isolated.
Dawn said:
“This is an extremely worthwhile and valuable project that raises public awareness of scams and the different types of scams that there are out there.
“The need for this project is greater than ever because in today’s economic climate as there are more scammers than ever trying to rip us off.
“Age Cymru is an established and respected campaigner against the abuse of older people and I’m determined that that reputation is maintained and upheld through the success of this project.”
The Scams Awareness and Dementia Project is headed up by Age Cymru’s Safeguarding Manager, Louise Hughes.
Commenting on Dawn and Ros’s appointments, she says:
“Dawn and Ros are both talented and dedicated individuals who bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Scams Awareness and Dementia Project.
“They are an asset to Age Cymru and will be instrumental in the overall success of the Scams Awareness and Dementia Project as we roll it out over the coming months.”
Click on the image for some practical advice on scams:
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