5:22 We should have perfect conditions over Deeside tonight to spot Santa's sleigh (and the ISS)

Santa’s sleigh will be visible from the ground at around 5:22 tonight, it will coincide with a bright pass from The International Space Station (ISS), Santa will be using the ‘slip stream’ from the ISS to help navigate around the world as he does what Santa does at this time of year.
Clear skies are forecast so conditions will be perfect for seeing the International Space Station (and Santa) as they orbit around the Earth.
The bright ‘dot’ will be visible for about four minutes as it travels above the Earth and should be visible from a south-westerly directionSpare a thought for the six crew members on-board the ISS who will be spending Christmas in space, give them a wave, as for Santa – he’ll be ok with all the sherry and mince pies left out for him.
ISS tracking map
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