Flint based WagtailUK to spearhead fight againt Hong Kong’ raw meat smugglers

Wagtail UK are delighted to announce they have been awarded and completed a prestigious contract to deliver Quarantine Detector Dogs and dog handler training to the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
The use of Quarantine Detector Dogs (QDDs) has been shown to be an effective, internationally recognized tool for the detection of quarantine items. Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) is currently deploying QDDs in the passenger arrival halls of various land border control points to detect smuggled targeted quarantine items hidden in passengers’ belongings.
The aim is to use QDDs in the detection of smuggled raw meat in an effort to prevent the smuggling and introduction of various animal diseases such as avian influenza. The duty of QDDs is mainly searching illegal raw meats by sniffing passengers’ luggage at arrival halls of land border control points.
This required Wagtail to train two Labradors for detecting a number of different raw meat targets including pork, beef, chicken, mutton and duck which are concealed in boxes, cartons and suitcases etc.
The dogs were trained in the UK before being flown to Hong Kong on 26 January 2016. The dogs were accompanied by two Wagtail instructors who have remained in Hong Kong this week to ensure a smooth handover period with the dogs for their new QDD handlers in Hong Kong.
Wagtail are also currently supplying detection dog services and handler training in the fight against smuggling and wildlife crime to other parts of the world. This includes Europe, Africa and Asia.
These involve the detection of ivory, pangolin, meat, shark fin, live animals/exotic pets, tobacco, drugs, food and cash. This unique contract for the Hong Kong FEHD reinforces Wagtail’s reputation as one of Europe’s leading detection dog companies
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