Posted: Thu 27th May 2021

Plans for affordable housing scheme in Mancot rejected over loss of green space and flood risk concerns

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, May 27th, 2021

Plans for an affordable housing scheme have been rejected amid concerns over the loss of green space and the risk of flooding.

Councillors in Flintshire attended a virtual meeting yesterday (Wednesday,  May 26) to discuss proposals by Wales and West Housing Association to create 25 new homes in the village of Mancot, near Hawarden.

Representatives said developing an overgrown area of land off Mancot Lane, which is near Sandycroft Primary School, would help local people to get on the property ladder.

However, it was recommended for refusal by officials from Flintshire Council, who said building houses on the green barrier site would be “inappropriate”.

Mancot councillor Bob Connah told the planning committee meeting there was significant opposition to the application within the community, with flooding also a problem in the area.

He said: “I’ve been approached by residents of the ward wishing to voice their dire concerns and strong objections to this application.

“The proposed housing development falls well within the designated floodplain of that area.

“Having lived within half a mile of the site, I can say categorically that this area does flood regularly.

“Indeed, in January of this year you couldn’t see a blade of grass in that field because there was that much water.

“It also falls within the green belt area and as such should not be developed.”

Seven letters of objection were received against the scheme before the meeting, with other issues raised including the impact on traffic and the potential strain it would place on local services.

Wales and West said the site would be used to accommodate a range of one to four-bedroom houses offered at social rent rates.

Speaking on the association’s behalf, planning agent Justin Paul asked councillors to consider deferring their decision to allow it to address the flooding concerns.

But members said there were other reasons for refusal which could not be overcome.

Cllr Chris Bithell, cabinet member for planning, said: “This is totally unsuitable insofar as it is in open countryside, it is green barrier land, and it should not be considered for housing in those particular circumstances.

“Secondly, there’s no need for any of this development because we’ve made sufficient allocations within the Unitary Development Land and Local Development Plan.

“We’re more than catering for future needs for housing in this area without this kind of speculative development here, there and everywhere by developers.”

The proposals were refused unanimously at the end of the debate.

Liam Randall – Local Democracy Reporter (more here).

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