The “Joe Wicks of Flintshire” who is helping to keep youngsters active and fit

Aura Wales Fitness Instructor, Adam Renshaw, has been working to increase links with Flintshire schools to encourage pupils to keep active and promote physical and mental well-being.
Earlier this year, Adam organised online fitness sessions for nine primary schools across Flintshire over a six week period.
His motivation to organise the classes on behalf of Aura was borne out of his own experience at home.
He explained: “I began to think of ways in which Aura could promote physical activity for the younger community after seeing first-hand how the lockdown impacted my children’s lives and routine.”
“At the time, Aura’s fitness team was receiving great feedback about the free online classes for adults, and it made me realise that we needed something similar for younger people to engage in.”
“I wanted the online fitness sessions to provide children with 30 minutes of fun physical activity to help burn some un-used energy.”
Around 120 pupils and teachers took part in the online classes within schools, along with over 60 children and parents joining in from home.
As a result, colleagues and friends began to jokingly refer to Adam as the “Joe Wicks of Flintshire” due to his efforts to engage young people in physical activity.
Earlier this month, Adam visited Ewloe Green Primary School to help the children prepare for Sports Day by taking part in various exercise classes.
Thankfully, no computer screens or Zoom log in details were required this time around, and Adam was able to happily greet around 180 children over a three day period; many of whom previously attended the online fitness sessions.
Adam explained: “Community work is a key element of Aura’s overall provision. Our ongoing relationship with local schools gives us the opportunity to promote the importance of physical activity, in a fun and enjoyable way.”
“I really enjoyed seeing all the children exercising with huge smiles on their faces! I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone at Ewloe Green Primary School who made me feel very welcome. It was a pleasure to lead the sessions.”
Headteacher Ruth Dyas praised Adam’s passion for promoting well-being in the community, she said: “I would like to offer my sincere thanks for the support over the last few months in engaging the children in a fun, vibrant and exciting series of online workshops.”
“The children have genuinely loved taking part – as have the staff – and have benefitted holistically from the programme. We were delighted to welcome Adam to our school to lead the warm-ups for a series of Sports Days for Years 1 to 6. It was full of energy and fun which the children and staff have again thoroughly enjoyed.”
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