Shoppers urged to spend Totally Mold Vouchers before scheme ends later this month

A popular shopping scheme which has given businesses in one Flintshire town centre a huge finacial boost will soon come to end.
Totally Mold vouchers have seen a cash injection of £25,000 to the local economy since the initiative was launched just 18 months ago.
The idea was rolled-out by the town council during the pandemic, in response to the unprecedented challenges facing retailers.
Unlike the popular national high street voucher which can be spent anywhere and usually takes money out of town the Totally Mold Vouchers ensure that all the benefits stay here within the town itself.
Mold Town Council has confirmed that the scheme will cease after the 31st August – so any vouchers will need using by then.
Joanna Douglass, Business and Regeneration Officer at Mold Town Council said “this is a reminder that the expiry date is fast approaching, please ensure that you spend your Totally Mold Vouchers before the 31st August 2022.”
Joanna went on to say “We are aware that there is still a significant number of vouchers still in circulation which haven’t been spent yet -so don’t delay, take advantage of what Mold has to offer – you will be glad you did”.
Jane Evans Events & Community Engagement Officer at Mold Town Council said “if anyone who still has unspent/ expired ‘white’ valid until end of August 2021 Totally Mold vouchers, please get in touch with us at the Town Council, as we will happily exchange them for the current ‘blue’ valid version (valid until end of August 2022) and will do so free of charge so you don’t lose out.”
“Expired vouchers can however only be exchanged at Mold Town Council office on Earl Road, so please call us on 01352 758532 option 3 to arrange to exchange.”
To find out the up to date list of businesses who are participating visit
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