Social Media takes the lead in the fight against lazy dog owners.

Monmouthshire County Council have come up with an innovative way to raise awareness of the growing problem of dog owners leaving their pets’ poo on the floor or even tying the poos in bags and hanging them on trees.
Over the last weekend their digital people shared humorous images of dogs on social media (although we all know cats rule the internet)
Councillor Phil Hobson, Deputy Leader of the council and lead member for sustainability said:
“It’s Christmas but this is no way to decorate a tree.
“Dumping dog waste is antisocial and the particular nature of what is being left lying about is particularly toxic.”
Actually Mabel, it’s not funny. Tell dog owners to scoop the poop up! #stpu #rofl
— Monmouthshire (@MonmouthshireCC) December 13, 2013
He continued:
“The posters we’re sharing online should make people think about their actions – nobody wants to step in poo and we want to get people to talk about this and condemn those who leave poos in inappropriate places.”
This dog just wants you to scoop the poop up #stpu — Monmouthshire (@MonmouthshireCC) December 14, 2013
Meanwhile Flintshire`s very own ‘Dog Poo Willy Wonka’ Gary Downie the Managing Director of award winning ‘Poo to Energy’ company StreetKlean Bio, has once again used social media to grab the attention of Flintshire County Councils “man of action” Bernie Attridge.
Council gives cash reward to those reporting dog fouling What about it @bernieatto ?
— Streetkleen Bio (@Streetkleen) December 11, 2013
An interesting idea coming out of Stafford where the Borough Council are encouraging residents to report dog owners who fail to pick up dog mess in return for a cash reward, you can read the story here
The Deputy leader of the council was impressed with the idea Gary shared on twitter,and responded by saying:
“I will put it forward at @FlintshireCC “
Councillor Attridge had first hand experience of the dog fouling problem in Shotton last week, a Football match he attended between Aston Park Rangers and FC Nomads at Shotton Lane was held up by the referee for five minutes while dog dirt was cleared from the pitch. recently highlighted the growing problems of dog fouling around Shotton area and the lack of action from the council.
Councillor Attridge picked up on our story ‘Has Shotton got the dirtiest street in Wales? ‘ and to his credit a streetscene team had cleaned the street by 8am the following morning.
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