Latest phase of funding for businesses in Flintshire launched by the council

The latest phase of funding support for businesses has been launched by Flintshire County Council.
Welsh Government has announced an extension to the Restrictions Business Fund to continue to support businesses in the non–essential retail, hospitality, leisure and tourism sectors that are directly impacted by the current restrictions.
The grant is to provide essential support to business for the period up until the end of March 2021, with automatic payments commencing to be made to businesses shortly.
A further single top up payment of £3,000 or £5,000 will be made automatically to qualifying businesses with a rateable value under £150,000 who received a Restrictions Business Fund Grant in December/January without the need for a further application.
The scheme has also been extended to provide a Restrictions Business Fund grant for the first time for non-essential retail, hospitality, leisure and tourism businesses with a rateable value of £151,000 to £500,000, providing £5,000 of financial support to even more businesses in Flintshire. These businesses will need to make a short online application.
All schemes as with the previous Restrictions Business Fund Grant, will also be available to essential retailers and supply chain businesses to the retail, hospitality, leisure and tourism sector who have had a greater than 40% reduction in turnover during the restrictions period.
A Local Discretionary Grant will also be available to support businesses and sole traders that are not registered on the Non Domestic Rating List that have been directly impacted by the extended restrictions.
Businesses can make an online application for one Discretionary Fund Grant of £2,000 under the current scheme, but those that received a grant for the December 2020/January 2021 period can re-apply for this top-up.
Flintshire County Council`s Leader, Councillor Ian Roberts said:
“We continue to support local businesses and understand the challenges they face at this difficulty time, especially those that have been forced to close due to the restrictions. The Council is proud to be playing a part in helping to administer the financial support package.
“I welcome that the scheme now includes support for even more businesses with a rateable value of up to £500,000 in the retail, leisure, tourism and hospitality sectors and their supply chains.
“These new payments are on top of over 5,500 grants totalling £40.3 million already paid in grants to date during the pandemic providing a lifeline to Flintshire businesses, social enterprises and charitable organisations.”
Further information and an application form for all schemes can be found at