Alyn and Deeside MP Mark Tami calls for fair refunds for holidaymakers

Many holidays and flights up to the middle of June have been cancelled, major travel companies are refusing to issue refunds as required by law, insisting customers rebook their trip or accept vouchers instead.
Consumer website Which reports companies including TUI, Love Holidays, Virgin Holidays and Ryanair are issuing credit notes for cancelled bookings in the first instance, even when customers have asked for a cash refund.
Mark Tami, Labour MP for Alyn & Deeside, has now tabled a motion in Parliament calling for people who have booked holidays to be given the refunds they are entitled to.
The Early Day Motion reads: “That this house recognises the financial pressure that many households are under due to covid-19 and that many of these will be legally entitled to refunds from travel companies; notes that some companies are not providing these refunds in a timely manner or are making cash refunds difficult to access; further recognises the significant pressure that travel companies are under; and calls on the Government to work with the travel industry to ensure prompt refunds are available to customers, in the interest of both consumers and the industry.”
Mr Tami said “For so many people the loss of income from coronavirus means times are tough. If you’ve paid for a holiday which has been cancelled, but can’t get at that money, that’s even worse. Where travel companies have a duty to refund people, they should be.
“Unfortunately many of them, especially larger companies, are doing all they can to hold on to people’s cash. It can be very hard to get any refund at all, and nearly impossible with some companies to get the cash refund that travellers are often entitled to.
“I know that times are also tough for the travel industry, and I have previously called on the Government to ensure that travel agencies and tour operators have a future. It is often the smaller travel agents who are providing the best service for their customers right now. The Government should be working with the industry to ensure that both travel companies and consumers can get through this challenging time.”
Early Day Motions are used by MPs to express concern about issues, or to raise awareness. A motion tabled by Mr Tami earlier this year resulted in the Universal Credit rules being changed to make 200,000 pensioners £70m better off.
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