Posted: Thu 15th Oct 2020

Mancot councillors “sorry for delays” to road safety scheme as it nears completion

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, Oct 15th, 2020

A controversial road safety scheme in Mancot which is months behind schedule will soon be completed.

Two local councillors have apologised for the delay in finishing the scheme which was caused by contractors having to down tools during the nationwide lockdown earlier this year.

Flintshire County Council was successful in obtaining nearly £300,000 in funding from the Welsh government for road safety improvements for the area around Sandycroft School after it was identified as a “priority.”

The council had received “numerous complaints” from parents and residents regarding the problems associated with congestion and parking within the vicinity of the school.

Problems identified included the high volume of traffic on Leaches Lane, Mancot Lane and the main B5129 particularly at the start and end of the school day.

The council said, “indiscriminately parked vehicles along the route combined with restricted carriageway width on Leaches Lane were creating congestion issues as other vehicles.

“Service buses had to queue and negotiate oncoming vehicles before being able to manoeuvre and pass individual obstructions which in many cases, involved vehicles driving on the footway.”

“The resulting queue of traffic regularly extended as far as the junction with the B5129 Chester Road creating a hazardous environment for children accessing Sandycroft Primary School.”

“There were also parked vehicles on the footways blocking a number of junctions and private drives which again resulted in forcing children and parents to walk in the live carriageway.”

Work began in the new safety measures in February but came to halt in during the first nationwide lockdown, it resumed in July and is now nearly completed.

The safer routes scheme has seen an upgrade of existing signalised crossings on B5129 Chester Road. New 20mph mandatory speed limits and traffic calming features.

The implementation of parking restrictions on leaches lane and new zig zag markings outside the primary school.

Flintshire County Councillor Bob Connah (Mancot) said: “Work started in February with the yellow lines being painted, then we had the national lockdown and work stopped until around July when it recommenced.”

“That meant the scheme was behind scheduled which has caused some problems locally.”

“There are just a few niggling little bits and pieces that have got to be finished but I apologise for hold up and the length of time it has taken to get completed”

“The good news is that majority of people I’ve spoken with in both Mancot and Sandycroft are pleased with the safer route work with some asking why hasn’t it been done sooner.”

“There are a lot of yellowing lines but most of them don’t apply all the time, the one across the road from the school they are timed for an hour in the morning and the afternoon when school finished.”

There have been complaints about the road safety scheme particularly around new yellow lines outside some properties.

“With a scheme like this, you are not going to please everyone but traffic along Leaches Lane was horrendous at times said fellow Flintshire Councillor Ralph Small (Mancot).”

“This was the main bus route and Arriva Buses ended up bypassing the road during school drop off and pick up times as traffic was horrendous.

Ultimately the end result is that the route will be safer for children.” Added Cllr Small.

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