Posted: Tue 31st May 2022

Police now believe man found with serious injuries on steps of Chester subway fell

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Tuesday, May 31st, 2022

Update: Detectives investigating man found with serious head injuries in Chester issue an update.

At around 1.40am on Sunday 29 May, a 31-year-old man was found on the steps of the subway near to Fountains roundabout.

The man sustained serious head injuries and was taken to hospital. His condition is described as critical but stable.

Following further enquiries, officers now believe that the man sustained his injuries from a fall and found no criminal involvement.

Earlier report: Detectives are appealing for information after a man was found with serious injuries in Chester.

The man was discovered at around 1.40am on Sunday 29 May on the steps of the subway near to Fountains roundabout.

The 31-year-old man sustained serious head injuries and was taken to hospital. His condition is described as critical but stable.

Officers are now appealing to anyone who may have any information to come forward.

Detective Sergeant Paul Davis, from Chester CID, said: “A number of enquiries are currently underway but we are keeping an open mind as to how the man sustained his injuries.

“As part of these enquiries, we are appealing to anyone who may have seen something around that area that didn’t look quite right.

“If anyone has any information that they think may be relevant to the investigation, I urge them to please contact us.

“I’m also appealing to anyone who was at the location around the time of the incident to get in touch.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Cheshire Police quoting IML 1280469 via or call 101

Information can also be passed on to Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111 or report it via

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