North Wales Police Dogs Pose for Canine Calendar
The police dogs of North Wales have put their best paws forward for a charity calendar.
The 2019 calendar features dogs from the North Wales Police Dog Section and hopes to raise money for ‘Paws Off Duty’ – the North Wales Police Retired Dogs Benevolent Fund which was launched in September 2015.
The fund, established by PC Jackie Edwards from the Force’s Dog Section, was created to assist with the day to day costs of looking after the animals as they clock ‘off duty’ to retire. This includes the cost of veterinary expenses. To date almost £10,000 has been raised.
The calendars are £5.99 and they can be purchased via The Farm and Pet Place stores across North Wales or via their website here.
Under police regulations, dogs used for general purpose or drugs work are paid for by the force until they retire, often between the ages of eight and ten-years-old.
But once they leave the force, all funding from the force ceases, and all costs then sit with the dog’s handler, or if the dog has been re-homed, the new owner.
PC Jackie Edwards of the Dog Section said:
“Historically our calendars for the Off Duty fund have been extremely popular and always receive overwhelming support from the public.
We’d like to extend our sincerest thanks to the ‘Farm and Pet Place’ for their continued support and also a huge thank you to the committee members and not forgetting the kind donations from members of the public.
“Our dogs provide a fantastic service for our communities for the majority of their lives, and it’s only right that they have the best possible life after retirement.”
When not striking attractive poses the Dog Section, our canine colleagues help with tracking for offenders, search open areas and buildings and help with the search for missing persons. Specialist search dogs within the unit are also trained to detect firearms, ammunition, cash and drugs.
Find out more about the Paws Off Duty Fund via their Facebook page