News that the Airbus A380 will be allowed to fly into India welcomed by AM Carl Sargeant

News that Airbus planes will be allowed to fly into India has been welcomed by Alyn and Deeside AM Carl Sargeant.
It was revealed this week that the country has lifted its ban on superjumbo planes, including the A380, allowing the world’s biggest passenger jet into airports equipped to handle it, including Mumbai and New Delhi.
India restricted Airbus A380 flights in 2008 in a bid to help struggling domestic carriers cope with global competition, but Aviation Minister Ajit Singh said lifting the ban would help bring more revenue to airports and boost the country’s international reputation as a flight destination.
The head of Lufthansa said the German airline plans to begin flying Airbus A380 superjumbo jets on routes to India later this year.
Mr Sargeant said:
“This is great news for Airbus, who are enjoying ever-expanding success across the globe.
“I hope this will provide yet another boost to one of our main employers in Alyn and Deeside and open up more opportunities for the company’s international development.”
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