Posted: Sat 6th Jan 2024

MS warns North Wales constituents of ‘threat to life’ posed by e-transport batteries

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Saturday, Jan 6th, 2024

An MS has warned constituents in North Wales of the “threat to life” posed by e-transport batteries.

Llŷr Gruffydd, who represents the region in the Senedd, has spoken out following a meeting with representatives from the from Electrical Safety First and South Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

The Plaid Cymru politician said its “essential” that people know what the potential “dangers” are.

According to experts, lithium-ion batteries can pose a significant risk due to what is called thermal runaway. This happens when internal temperatures exceed safe limits.

This can happen due to flawed design, low-quality components, or improper charging or discharging.

Fires caused by e-transport batteries are particularly dangerous because they can reignite after they have been put out.

The safety and stability of lithium-ion batteries depend on maintaining internal temperatures within specific limits.

Poor quality and substandard components in batteries, flawed design, physical abuse and improper charging or discharging can all cause thermal instability, which can then lead to catastrophic failure.

Even if a fire is extinguished, it is common for it to start again, which highlights the dangerously dynamic nature of lithium-ion battery fires.

Llŷr Gruffydd MS said: “It’s important that constituents in North Wales are aware of the very real threat to life that e-transport batteries can pose.

“It is essential that people know what dangers to look out for when using lithium-ion batteries so that they can avoid putting themselves and others in harm’s way.

“I’m grateful to the teams from Electrical Safety First and South Wales Fire and Rescue Service for coming down to the Senedd to discuss the issue and for all the work they do to raise awareness and keep people safe.”

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