Flintshire: Ambulance response times for May fall to lowest level since targets were set.

Latest Ambulance service performance figures for May show that Flintshire had the third slowest response times in Wales for category A’ incidents, those deemed to be life threatening.
In May there were 739 ‘category A’ calls requiring an emergency response in Flintshire, 424 missed the 8 minutes target time set by NHS Wales
The figures for May published today, show a decline on the previous month by 12% and was the worst performance by the Ambulance service in Flintshire since the 8 minute target time data was reclassified in 2011.
Year on year decline has been significant, for the same month last year 58.1% of ‘category A’ responses arrived within 8 minutes, versus 44.1% this year.
Eleven calls classed as ‘category A’ incidents, those deemed to be life threatening, took 30 minutes to arrive on scene, 22 minutes longer the the within the 8 minutes target time set by NHS Wales
Neighbouring Wrexham 64.4% was the top performer in Wales for May 2014