Posted: Mon 4th Dec 2023

Flint’s generosity fuels support for local charities amid cost of living crisis

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Monday, Dec 4th, 2023

he generous spirit of Flint residents is making a significant impact this festive season. Proceeds raised from this year’s Flint Festival, including the notable ‘Rock the Castle’ event, are now being channelled to support local community groups and charities.

On 1st December 2023, the Mayor of Flint, Cllr. Ben Goldsborough, took a commendable step in bolstering community welfare.

In a ceremony held at Sainsbury’s Flint, he handed out cheques totalling £450 to Flint Parish Church of St Mary’s and St Thomas’s and Refurbs Flint.

Both organisations play a crucial role in the town, offering food pantries to residents who are currently struggling with the cost of living crisis.

These donations, part of the Flint Town Council’s initiative, represent the first installment of the funds raised during July’s Flint Festival.

An additional round of donations is scheduled for 8th December, indicating an ongoing commitment to community support.

Cllr Goldsborough expressed his enthusiasm for the initiative, stating, “As we move into the festive season, it’s fantastic to deliver donations to local community groups.

This money will make a huge difference to our town, and I am grateful for all the work these groups do.”

He also highlighted the pivotal role of Flint’s residents, whose attendance and support during the Flint Festival made these donations possible.

“I’m so proud of the town for digging deep when times are tough to ensure that everyone is looked after,” he added.

In a further show of solidarity, Sainsbury’s Flint contributed an additional £300 worth of food products to both food pantries, reinforcing the community-driven approach to tackling the crisis.

Cllr Goldsborough appreciated this gesture, saying, “A huge thank you must also go to our local Sainsbury’s for adding to the donations.

When businesses, big and small, lend a hand to our groups, it shows they care about the community.”

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