Mark Drakeford to set out which of the further measures being announced by the PM will be implemented in Wales

Boris Johnson has chaired an emergency Cobra meeting today with first ministers from the devolved nations to brief them on the latest lockdown proposals for England
The PM will announce today that pubs, bars, restaurants and other hospitality venues in England will have to close by 10pm from Thursday. Hospitality outlets will also have to offer table service only.
It’s reported the UK government will urge people in England to once again work from home where possible, the Welsh government has continued to advise people to “work from home if you can.”
The new measures in England will be set out in Parliment by Boris Johnson this afternoon followed by a live tv address at 8pm.
Mark Drakeford will set out later this evening which of the further measures being announced by the PM will be implemented in Wales.
A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “The First Minister took part in a UK-wide COBRA meeting today, chaired by the Prime Minister, and attended by the First Ministers of Scotland and Northern Ireland and the deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland.
“The meeting discussed a series of UK-wide actions in response to the increase in Covid19 transmission, some of which, such as the need for people to work from home wherever possible, are already in force in Wales. The First Minister will set out which further measures will be implemented in Wales later today.
“The First Minister also welcomed the Prime Minister’s commitment to having a regular and reliable rhythm to UK-wide decision making – with the devolved governments having a clear and important role in that process.”
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