Asda Queensferry reduces opening time to 8pm and dedicates first hour of shopping to elderly and vulnerable

UPDATE: This information is likely to have changed – click here for the very latest on Asda opening times
ASDA Queensferry has reduced its opening hours for the third time in a week.
From today, Friday March 20, the store will open at 8am and close 8pm Monday to Saturday, Sunday the store will open at 10am and close at 4pm.
ASDA the store will be open for vulnerable customers only from 8am to 9am.
ASDA Chief Executive, Roger Burnley, said “We want to do all we can to support this effort and so have made the decision that on Friday 20th March, from store opening until 9am, we are going to make our larger stores available for those vulnerable people – and those caring for them, to let them shop and get what they need.
So – if you’re in a vulnerable group and need to get your shopping – or are caring for someone in a vulnerable group, we’ll do everything we can to support you in stores on Friday morning before 9am.”
Mr Burnley appealed to other customers to shop after 9am, he said:
“ our other customers, please help us do this by leaving your shopping until later in the day. We’re doing everything we can to keep our shelves stocked and our deliveries coming – and our colleagues are doing an amazing job working around the clock to support you.”
Economy and Transport Minister, Ken Skates called on the public to respect shop workers and behave in a compassionate way, he said. “they are operating in incredibly stressful circumstances, so please do support them.”
In terms of stockpiling … I think people do need to consider their neighbours, they do need to consider their work colleagues, they need to consider vulnerable people in society before they hoard.
Usual behaviour by Welsh people would not see what is happening right there, there is enough food to go around, there will be enough food to go around, but we have to act as a society responsibly.”
Mr Skates added: “In terms of shop workers, I’ve got relatives who shop workers, I’ve been hearing about the stressful conditions that have working under, it’s absolutely vital everybody behaves in a compassionate way.
I’ve got relatives who shop workers I’ve been hearing about the stressful conditions that have working under, it’s absolutely vital. Everybody behaves in a compassionate way.”
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