6 Tips To Help Developer Teams Succeed in a Hybrid Work Environment
There’s been a shift in office work hours routine since the pandemic, and it’s been on a steady rise. Most especially in the tech industry where developer teams are scattered across the world, in different locations and time zones.
Though you can’t deny the benefits this new paradigm poses: increased autonomy and access to a global talent pool, it also presents some challenges. To manage a hybrid team of developers, you’ll need a delicate balance of flexibility and structure, communication and collaboration, and accountability.
In this article, we’ll discuss the strategies and best practices that can help developer teams thrive in a hybrid workplace, as well as detailed steps to implement these strategies.
Tips For Running A Hybrid Work Environment Suitable For Developer Teams
1. Embrace Asynchronous Communication
Possibly the most important tip that ensures a hybrid environment that enables teams is clear communication.
In a hybrid environment, not everyone’s going to be online at the same time. That’s why asynchronous communication should be your new best friend.
You have to encourage your team to use tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to connect and collaborate more effectively. Foster a culture where detailed, thoughtful messages are the norm, instead of expecting instant responses.
This doesn’t mean abandoning real-time chats altogether. But for a busy team that’s always got their hands full with responsibilities, they won’t appreciate a ping every 5 minutes (I know I don’t)
You can set up “do not disturb” hours and respect them. Your developers will thank you.
2. Invest in the Right Tools
Speaking of tools, make sure your team has what they need to succeed, wherever they are. That’s more than just a laptop and a decent internet connection. Think about tools for code versioning like GitHub, project management like Jira or Trello, and virtual whiteboarding like Miro.
Though you shouldn’t just throw these tools at them. Take your time to train them (yourself or with a professional) to use these tools effectively. I mean, a tool is only as good as its wielder.
3. Redefine Meetings
This is probably a culture shock thing but I’m used to getting called into the office for a meeting every other week. And the topics of these meetings are often things that could have been discussed in a series of emails. Or even live chats.
In a hybrid environment, every meeting needs to be planned properly. You can’t just call people into the office whenever you want. Before you do call one, ask yourself if the topic really needs to be discussed in person. If yes, tell them well beforehand, and keep it short. Short, focused, and inclusive.
For developer teams, you could adopt a “walking skeleton” approach to your stand-ups. Focus on the bare essentials: what was done, what’s next, and any blockers.
And please, for the love of all that is holy, make sure your remote participants can hear and be heard. There’s nothing worse than feeling like a second-class citizen just because you’re dialing in.
4. Foster a Culture of Documentation
Documentation isn’t just nice to have in a hybrid environment, it’s essential. Encourage your team to document everything from code changes to the decision-making processes. No, I don’t mean something as extreme as novel-esque documents, rather, clear, concise notes that anyone can pick up and understand.
5. Prioritize Mental Health and Work-Life Balance
One of the things I’m glad about in 2024 is how seriously everyone takes mental health in the office and in real life. And with the hybrid model, it’s more important than ever.
As a leader, it’s your job to help your team maintain a healthy balance and not let both lives bleed into each other. Encourage regular breaks, and lead by example. If you’re sending emails at midnight, your team will feel pressured to do the same. And that may breed bad habits.
Starting “no meeting” days will give your developers long stretches of uninterrupted work time. And remember, just because someone’s home doesn’t mean they’re always available. Respect off-hours and vacations; your team needs time to recharge.
6. Build Team Cohesion Creatively
Team building in a hybrid environment needs a bit more creativity. Virtual happy hours are great, but they can get old pretty quickly. Ever think about online coding challenges or hackathons? Or maybe a virtual book club focused on tech topics?
Don’t forget about your in-office days. Make them count by using this time for collaborative problem-solving sessions or pair programming. Your goal should be to create shared experiences that bond your team, regardless of where they’re working from.
The six strategies we’ve just discussed will help your developer team thrive in a hybrid work environment.
Remember, the key is flexibility and open communication. What works for one team might not work for another, so don’t be afraid to experiment and adjust as time goes on.
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