Deeside.com candidate profiles and Q&A's - Welsh Parliament Elections 2021
Welcome to our coverage of the Senedd election 2021 as Wales goes to the polls on May 6th to decide who will represent your constituency and North Wales. The candidates have been declared, the election date is fixed and we are conducting one on one Q&A's to help decide who will be the next MS being sent to Cardiff Bay to represent you.When voting for members of the Senedd, you will have two votes.
One for a member to represent your constituency, and one to represent your Welsh region - also known as 'list' candidates. There are 20 people elected to represent five regions of Wales, with the North Wales region returning four representatives.
The constituency vote is run as first past the post, with a straightforward who gets the most votes wins system.
The second box you will mark is for the regional seat, and you vote for a party. Each party has submitted a list of candidates in order (below) and a formula called the Additional Member System is used to determine who is elected, the aim is to help to overcome the imbalance often associated with first-past-the-post elections. It is important to look at the candidate lists on the table below, as they are the people you are voting for!
Here's how the regional system works:
- each party or group in a region presents a list of candidates;
- electors vote for the person they want to represent their region;
- the votes for the regions are usually counted after the constituency votes have been decided;
- each party’s total is divided by 1 + the number of Members of the Senedd it already has in that region;
- the party with the highest total after this calculation gets the next seat and the person on top of its list is elected;
- the same pattern is repeated until all four regional seats have been decided.
Make sure you are registered to vote ( https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote ) before midnight on April 19th, and you should get a "poll card" through the post telling you where to vote, however you don't need one to take part.
How do I vote?
Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on 6th of May.
If you don't have your poll card, you can go to the polling station and give them your name and address. You don't need any other form of ID.
Give your name and address to the staff inside the polling station when you arrive. You don’t have to take your poll card with you.
You’ll be given a ballot paper containing a list of the people, parties or the options you can vote for.
- Take your ballot paper into a polling booth.
- Follow the instructions on the notices in the polling booth and on the top of the ballot paper to vote.
- Put it in the ballot box.
When are the results out?
Polling stations close at 10pm on the 6th of May, usually the count takes place very quickly that evening. However due to the pandemic counts will take the day after. We will be bringing you the results and counts live that day as they happen.
The profiles and Q&As:
You can jump to a constituency or candidate list from the below:

A democracy project by Wrexham.com Deeside.com and North.Wales.

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