Safer Internet Day2015: North Wales Police supporting annual initiative to keep children safe online

North Wales Police is supporting Safer Internet Day, an international initiative to get children safe online.
Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, Safer Internet Day is an annual celebration held on February 10th that sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.
Globally, Safer Internet Day is celebrated in over a hundred countries, and offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role society can play in helping to create a better and safer online community.
Under the theme of ‘Let’s create a better internet together,’ North Wales Police will be supporting the day by promoting key messages via social media using the #SID2015 hash tag.
Inspector Julie Sheard from North Wales Police’ Community Safety Department said:
“The annual Safer Internet Day promotes safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology by children and young people.
“The World Wide Web is an important tool in our daily lives and we should encourage children and young people to use it safely and wisely whilst being mindful that there are associated dangers. Websites, apps, games and social media are part of daily life which offer exciting learning and social opportunities.
“Talking to your children about these issues and encouraging them to be cyber-savvy is more important than ever and there are simple steps they can take to keep themselves safe.”
School Community Police Officers across North Wales regularly speak to pupils – both primary and secondary, about the importance of staying safe whilst online.
Inspector Sheard added:
“As part of their routine work, each School Community Police Officer teach pupils about the potential dangers that are online as well as providing advice on cyber bullying, social networks, games and apps.
“Safer Internet Day gives us yet another opportunity to raise awareness of the risks associated with the online world.”
To mark the day the UK Safer Internet Centre will be presenting a live TV Show called SID TV.
SID TV will be broadcast live at with advice and practical information from experts and providers such as Facebook, Twitter and BT for teachers, young people and parents on internet safety and issues such as cyberbullying, ‘sexting’, parental controls, reporting and privacy.
For more information on the activities taking place to celebrate Safer Internet Day, visit the UK Safer Internet Centre website
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