Posted: Sun 3rd Nov 2013

‘Money bags’ comments by rival clubs spur us on says Airbus FC Chief Operating Officer.

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Sunday, Nov 3rd, 2013

In an outspoken article published on the clubs website today (Sunday) Chief operating officer of Airbus UK Broughton FC Stewart Roberts reveals the club is developing a ‘siege mentality’ one that is driving the players and staff on to even greater heights.

Screenshot from 2013-11-03 17:21:53

Stewart Roberts claims there’s a perception amongst the players and staff from other clubs in the WPL the team is heavily bankrolled by Airbus.

He says;


“There’s nothing I like reading more than we have loads of money to spend, or we are bankrolled by Airbus, because if I am hearing or reading that week in week out I know we are unsettling teams in the League,”

The constant jibes are also spurring on the management team he claims.

“I have got Andy Preece and Andy Morrison knocking on my door weekly even more determined to get a result in the next match, even more focused on getting the lads up for the next three points- its music to my ears” says Roberts

Of course the ‘noise’ being made by those outside of the club is not new, its been suggested for sometime the team not only benefit from bearing the name of such a huge global organisation such as Airbus, they also benefit financially and in other ways.

“If it’s not spending Airbus money it’s giving every player a job, it’s now the in-joke around the club because we can’t change what people think in terms of how the club Operates. 

Stewart adds;

“I sometimes wish we were bankrolled like some other clubs because it would make my Job a lot easier in board meetings when talking about income and expenditure that’s for sure”

The model the club adopted has also come in for some criticism;

“Of course the difference is we have brought in an English management team and a group of players from just over the border because the manager Felt it would be value for money long term and of course our geographical location. My personal belief is we made a huge decision as a club to go down this route, risking being frowned upon, but I think the freshness and professionalism we now have assists the league’s profile and has certainly propelled us to an elevated position which we’ll strive to maintain. says Roberts.

You can read the full article here

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