How to apply for planning permission with Flintshire County Council
Who Can Make The Application?
You can apply yourself, or appoint an agent to apply on your behalf (usually an architect, solicitor or builder). If you use an agent, all correspondence will be sent directly to them. You don’t actually need to own the land or property to apply for planning permission for it.
Do I Need To Notify The Owner(S)?
Certain applications require you to serve a notice on the owner or other co-owners of the property at least 21 days before you submit the application to us. Further guidance and links to the notices are provided in the application form help text; you are advised to read this thoroughly.
Before You Apply
We advise you to read our Local Planning Guidance Notes which offer detailed guidance on good building design, conversion of rural buildings, parking standards, sustainable drainage and much more. In addition, the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan provides the basis for making planning decisions and planning officers will refer to it to ensure your proposal is in accordance with the policies described within it. By ensuring your proposed works comply with this guidance you will improve the quality of your application.
What Do I Need To Submit?
1 – Application Form
Apply online (new window) using the national Planning Portal (attach plans & documents, log in/out and submit whenever you are ready, and get step by step guidance), or
Download paper forms (new window) from the Planning Portal (to print and submit by post or hand)
Not sure which form to use? See Choosing your application (new window) on the Planning Portal
Whichever method you choose you need to submit one form which covers all your requirements e.g. householder planning consent with conservation area consent. The Portal will guide you to the correct form.
For help calculating the volume of buildings enter the measurements into the Planning Portal volume calculator tool (new window).
2 – Plans, Drawings And Supporting Documents
Planning Application Requirements (PDF 187KB new window) is a list of the drawings and supporting documentation you must submit with your application to make it valid. You may need to refer to multiple lists depending on your application type e.g. list for householder development plus list for conservation area consent.
If you don’t have electronic documents to attach to an online application you can still complete the application form online. You can then submit some or all the supporting documents and fee by post or by hand to the address at the top of the form. The Planning Portal will guide you through the process.
Ordnance Survey location and block plans (PDF 101KB will open in a new window) (required for most applications) can be purchased from our Geographic Information Service or online with your Planning Portal application.
View guidance on Design and Access Statements (DAS) (PDF 85KB new window) (not required for householder applications).
3 – The Fee
If you apply online your fee will be calculated as part of the application process. There is no extra charge for applying online and it can save you money on printing costs. However, you cannot currently pay online.
Work out the cost of your application using the Planning Portal’s fee calculator tool (new window) or download a full list of planning application fees (PDF 32KB new window).
You can pay:
- by phone: Call 01352 703228 to pay by credit/debit card.
- by post: Cheque or postal order are accepted.
- in person: At Entrance 3 Reception, County Hall, Mold, CH7 6NF. Cash, cheque or debit/credit card are accepted here.
Cheques should be made out to ‘Flintshire County Council’. The fee cannot be returned if you withdraw the application or your application is rejected (however, if an application is submitted for a proposal which does not need planning permission we will refund your fee). The fees in Wales differ from those in England.
Data Protection
In order to comply with Data protection requirements we draw your attention to the fact that information provided in your application is used solely for the purposes of determining the application, and as part of this process it is made available to the public. Applications are made available on our website and within the Public Register at County Hall, Mold.
What Else Should I Consider?
- other permissions you may require (new window),
- consent needed for works to protected trees
- Do I need building regulation approval?